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 Cyber Security

Sicurezza informatica e cultura digitale per
la comunità dell'Istruzione e della Ricerca

Computer Emergency Response Team
for the education and research community
The job of the GARR-CERT is to manage the security incidents of the GARR network and related organizations.

The service coverage time is from Monday to Friday from 9:30 to 16:30, the telephone numbers are those indicated in the contact section.

Home working: how to stay safe online


Compiti di GARR-CERT sono:

  • help users in managing security incidents;
  • Respond to incident reports, alerting the users involved and following their developments;
  • Disseminate information on the most common vulnerabilities and the security tools to be adopted;
  • Help users to implement preventive measures necessary to reduce the risk of accidents to acceptable levels;
  • Issue directives on minimum security requirements for systems with network access, verifying compliance;
  • Manage technical updating courses, for all levels, and for end users;
  • Keep up to date with the state of the art of security tools and methodologies;
  • Try existing tools, and develop new ones for specific needs.
RFC 2350 Definition

GARR CERT was the first Italian team to be accredited and recognized since 2001 by Trusted Introducer.

Trusted Introducer is the service, born in 2000 within the European research community, to encourage and make effective cooperation between teams, thus increasing the general level of security, thanks to the ability to respond quickly to cyber attacks and new threats emerging.

Trusted Introducer website

SCARR: Make secure your network

SCARR is a service to perform remote vulnerability scans in a secure and flexible way. SCARR provides detailed information on the criticalities of its network assets, offering indications and suggestions on possible solutions.


Statistiche (fonte: GARR annual report 2023)

Security Alert Statistic