Informazioni su alcuni tipi di malware
Informazioni e indicazioni per la rimozione su alcuni tipi di malware
GameOver Zeus
Informazioni e rimozione
Per verificare se il proprio pc è infetto, aprire questa pagina (ATTENZIONE: ci sono stati segnalati casi di nodi infetti non rilevati da questi link!).
Informazioni e rimozione
- GARR-CERT, Alert GCSA-12021 - Java for OS X 2012-003 and Java for Mac OS X 10.6 Update 8 (Flashback malware)
- Dr.Web, Flashback FAQ.
- F-Secure, Trojan-Downloader:OSX/Flashback.C.
- Kaspersky, Is my MAC infected?.
- DR.Web, Anti-Flashback.
- F-Secure, Flashback Removal Tool.
- Kaspersky, Virus-fighting utilities.
Conficker / Downadup
Informazioni e rimozione
- Wikipedia, Conficker.
- Microsoft Malware Protection Center, Win32/Conficker.
- Microsoft Technet, Worm Conficker: protezione di Windows da Conficker.
- SANS ISC Diary, Third party information on conficker.
Informazioni e rimozione
- FBI, DNSChanger Malware
- Dennis Fisher, TDSS Rootkit and DNSchanger: An Unholy Alliance
Mebroot rootkit e Torpig/Sinowal/Anserin
- Symantec, Trojan.Mebroot(30 Jul 2010).
- Microsoft, WinNT/Sinowal.A e Win32/Sinowal.
- Microsoft Anti-Malware Engineering Team, MBR rootkit: VirTool:WinNT/Sinowal.A report(10 Jan 2008).
- NonSoloSecurity Blog, Master Boot Sector Rootkit(11 Jan 2008).
- Securelist, Bootkit: the challenge of 2008(18 Dec 2008).
- Securelist, Bootkit 2009(09 Jun 2009).
- Wikipedia, Torpig.
- The Computer Security Group at UCSB, Taking over the Torpig botnet(Nov 2009).
- Softpedia, Researchers Peak Inside the Torpig Trojan Infrastructure.
- Kaspersky Lab, How to remove a bootkit - TDSSKiller utility(17 Oct 2011).
- Symantec, Trojan.Mebroot Removal Tool.
- Hardware Upgrade Forum, Guida alla rimozione MASTER BOOT RECORD ROOTKIT - MBR ROOTKIT(03 Apr 2008).
- GMER, Rootkit Detector and Remover.
- Symantec, Sality Whitepaper(Aug 2011).
- Symantec, Sality: Story of a Peer-to-Peer Viral Network(Jul 2011).
- Symantec, Sality Goes LNK(Aug 2010).
- Symantec, All-in-One Malware: An Overview of Sality(May 2010).
- Symantec, The Sality Botnet(May 2010).
- Symantec, W32.Sality.
- Microsoft, Virus:Win32/Sality.
SpyEye / EyeStye
- SpyEye Tracker.
- Microsoft, Win32/EyeStye.
- Microsoft, MSRT October '11: EyeStye.
- WinTricks, MS inserisce anche SpyEye in MSRT(17 OCt 2011).
- PC World, SpyEye Malware Continues to Plague Computers(14 Oct 2011).
- PC al sicuro, SpyEye ruba i dati. Anche da account limitato(26 Apr 2010).
- Norman, W32/SpyEye Banking Malware e W32/SpyEye.
ZeuS / ZBOT / WSNpoem / Citadel
- The ZeuS Tracker
- Microsoft Technet, Battling the Zbot Threat (with MSRT)(10 Feb 2011)
- Microsoft Technet, Doing the Zbot spot; playing gotcha with a botnet(14 Sep 2011)
- Microsoft, PWS:Win32/Zbot
- Sophos, What is Zeus: Technical Paper(May 2011)
- Symantec, Trojan.Zbot
- Prevx Blog, Detecting and Removing the ZEUS Banking Trojan(18 Sep 2009)
- ZeuS and Its Continuing Drive Towards Stealing Online Data(2009)
- Avira, Build your own ZBot (22 Dec 2008)
Strumenti generali di rimozione
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